
Diary of a Yogi

Welcome to my blog! This is where I share my written work related to multiple intersecting topics including yoga and mindfulness, mental health and wellness, ethical living, social justice, and environmental advocacy. If you’d like to receive my writing and teaching schedule updates straight to your inbox, you can sign up for my newsletter. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read! :)

<3 Vic

Victoria Wolfgang Victoria Wolfgang

We are Strong Enough to Hold All the Suffering and the Love

As I watched the sun dip below the horizon at one of my favorite spots near my Grandmother’s home in Crystal River, Florida, I contemplated the beauty and sorrows of our world, and why it is necessary for us to embrace suffering in order to embody love.

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Victoria Wolfgang Victoria Wolfgang

What is the meaning of Yoga Sutra 1.1?

What is the meaning of yoga sutra 1.1? I share my own reflections on the foundational text of yoga with the goal of making ancient wisdom teachings accessible and relevant to modern readers while also respecting yoga’s cultural origins.

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Victoria Wolfgang Victoria Wolfgang

My Decision to Travel

My first letter home from Mysuru, India detailing the reasons behind my decision to leave for long-term travel.

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